7 4 05 Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin On this day before our 229th birthday, who better to interview than Founding father Ben Franklin | ____________________________
Olliver NorthAmerica Armed & Free Oliver North
 On 2 29 03 I interviewed Col. Oliver North about his book, "War Stories," having just come back from 4 months there embedded with several units. We also covered Viet Nam, the Reagan iniatives on defeating communism, and Rex 84 Bravo, among other things. Great interview, 48.5 minutes. _________________________________
America Armed And Free Sgt. Marerro on Honor2 12 06 America Armed & Free
 Hans Marerro is a retired Gunnery Sargeant and was second in command of all Marine Corps hand to hand combat training. He describes why honor is such an essential component of service, in ways that left me speechless. Also reveals who is the best in special forces, and it's not who you think. 42 minutes, and a must listen. _________________________________
Dr. Edgar K. BrowningUnusual 90 minute interview (compressed to 73 min) of Dr. Edgar K. Browning, professor of economics at Texas A & M. He has a brilliant book called "Stealing From Each Other," about why the welfare state is a disincentive to work and profit. Wonderful radio, the way it should be. ____________________________________
Declaration Of Independence
The document that started a country. Done in 16 voices over the music from The Patriot. __________________________________
Tuskeege Airman Col Lee Archer9 10 06 America Armed & Free
Retired Air Force Colonel Lee Archer was among the second batch of Tuskegee Airmen, America's first black ace, and flew over the beaches of Normandy and Anzio. The battle he fought against racial prejudice was concomitant with that against the Nazis. Fascinating interview, destined for the permanent archive. (And so it has arrived!) 45 minutes. ____________________________________
2 4 07 America Armed & Free Walid Shoebat is a former Palestinian terrorist. He converted to Christianity some time after moving to the U.S., has renounced his ways, and taken up trying to warn people of the mindset of radical Islam. His third book is, "Why We Want To Kill You," 338 pages of instruction manual on how not to get attacked, and why they do. Fascinating, intelligent man, one of the best 5 interviews I have ever had. Don't miss it. 50.27
4 5 09 America Armed & Free Edmund Giambastiani is a retired Navy 4 star admiral, and former Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. His career included being CO if the Navy's one of a kind research sub, the NR-1. The first quarter of the interview is with General Tata from the first hour, who used to work for Admiral Giambastiani. Fascinating radio, about the culture of honor, running the military, and how the principles apply to private industry. Listen to this and you will know why this man has 4 stars. 48 min.
Fascinating hour with a very little known segment of the Navy at Normandy, the Rocket Boatmen, 36' boats equipped with rockets and .50's that went in first on D-Day and beyond. With Bill Palmer Jr., son of a vetran, and also Nick Zuras, vetran of the conflict, now 90. Electrifying 50.33
General Patrick Henry Brady is a retired Army Major General, and holder of the Medal of Honor, for 6
missions in Viet Nam in 1967, where he flew his Huey sideways, his side toward the enemy, into a valley
in zero visibility to rescue 70 wounded soldiers. In doing so he developed a new technique for flying with
as little as 30' visibility. He also figured a new technique for doing same AT NIGHT, earning him a
Distinguished Flying Cross, before his MOH. One of the best ever interviews on this program! 49.53.

Absolutely inspiring interview with Lt. Gen Robin Rand, CO of the 12th Airforce at Davis Monthan AFB. Find out "why he serves," his most memorable mission as an F-16 pilot (he still flies it) and the weight of responsibility of 3 stars. Phenominal radio. 54.52
Bernard Otterman is a holocaust survivor from Poland, and a retired college professor. His book is "Prisoner 1818 And Other Stories." It is phenomenal, and so is he.51.34.
World War II Merchant Marine Sailor Sandy Sandiford tells about his service on the Murmansk run. 50.52 Great Radio
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How many verses arethere to the Star Spangled Banner? There's one more now! Hear them all on this link. Last one by Charles Heller.
7 4 04 Thomas Jefferson7-4-04 Liberty Watch One of the most inspiring interviews I have ever done. President Thomas Jefferson. 50 minutes.
Richard Marcinko 7-17-05 America Armed & Free Richard Marcinko is the author of 17 books as of this wrtiting, including hios autobiography, "Rogue Warrior." He is the founding commander of SEAL Team 6, and has a lot to say about terrorism. He holds back nothing but the profanity. 44 minutes. _______________________________________________
Dennis Weaver

8 3 03 Liberty Watch - Dennis Weaver of of "Gunsmoke," "McCloud," and "Duel" fame, among many other stage and screen performances. Dennis is involved in an interesting project sponsored by his "Foundation For Ecolonomics."
He suggests that the intertests of the environment and the economy can be held in concert with each other. His acrtions are indeed in concert with his words, as he drives a hybrid fuel vehicle and lives in a house made of recycled materials.
He talked a little of Gunsmoke, Hollywood, and a lot about common sense policies on alt fuels. I also surprised him with the theme to Gunsmoke sung with words to it by Tex Ritter. He had not known of its existance until I used it as bumper music coming out of the second break. Fun on air "aha." 41 minutes, 49 seconds and delightful. __________________________________________
Capt. Whitey Mack 6 26 06 America Armed & Free Capt. Whitey Mack was the skipper of USS Lapon, a nuclear fast attack submarine. He tells many stories from arguing with Admiral Rickover, to tracking a Soviet "Yankee" Class boomer for 47 days. Compelling radio, 61 minutes. Captain Mack passed away in September, 08. __________________________________________________
Capture of U-505These are interviews of Wayne Pickels and Zenon Lukosius, two of the 13 who captured U-505 on 6/2/44. 34.03 total, and a piece of history. Lukosius died in 06, God rest his soul.
The Death Of Free SpeechA piece by Doug Patton, performed with his permission. With Voice talents Mike Fascetta and Quinn Malone, only 7 at the time, shows what we don't want to happen. Copywright by Patton, and the only copywrighted item in this archive. _________________________________________________________
I co-wrote the words with Dan Starr, to, "The Guardian," for JPFO that appears on their album, "I Will Live Free," available from http://www.jpfo.org/ . The music, arrangement, and background vocals are by the phenomenal Dan Starr, http://www.danstarr.com/ . He also arranged for the talented Randy Van Nostrand to sing lead.
There is a phrase in it about the 4th amendment that is probably the most poignant phrase I have ever written. ______________________________________________________
1 6 08 America Arm'd & FreeEmil Schoonejans is a remarkable fellow. He served in a fleet diesel submarine USS Burrfish, SS 312, for 6 war patrols. After the service he became a mechanic for TWA, and rose through their ranks to eventually pilot 747's. He recently returned to the Pacific to pay tribute to the 3.505 still on eternal patrol. Riveting 51 minutes. Co-hosted by Dr. John McElroy, also a Navy vetran of the Korean War era.
2 24 08 Amer Arm'd & Free
General Georges Hormis Sada is a retired Iraqi 2 star who was second in command of the Iraqi Air Force, and stood up to both Saddam Huessain and his son Qusay. Fascinating man, now working as the President of the International Center For Peace, a Christian organization. 52 minutes, maybe the best guest I have ever had.
7 5 09 America Armed & Free Col. Bob Pardo's 3/10/67 achievement is legendary. Another fighter in his 4 plane flight of F-4C's was hit by enemy AAA, and had lost most of his fuel. Pardo, with disregard for his personal safety, ordered Capt. Aman to shut off his engines and lower his tail hook, and proceeded to push him 88 miles out of North viet Nam, to Laos by placing Aman's tail hook against his windshield. Listen to the story in Pardo's own words, and then listen to why he did it. Compressed to 40 minutes. a written description of the story is at http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/3227/push.htm .
7 12 09 America Armed & FreeLt. Col Dean Ladd fought for 32 months in the Pacific from Tarawa to Tinnian, with "stop overs" at Guadalcanal and Saipan. He was badly wounded at Tarawa, and only the actions of several heroic Marines saved him. Now a retired engineer, his book, with Steven Weingartner, is "Faithful Warriors." 52 min, very powerful.
1 3 10 America Armed & Free
Suzana Gratia Hupp, former Texas Legislator and survivor of the Luby's massacre in Kileen Texas, 1991, in which her parents were murdered. Courageous fighter for the civil rights of self defense and its tools. Good treatise on how to act to keep your rights. Must listening, 49.31
Helan Glass was a WAV in the Navy in WW II, working on aircraft engines. She is also an accomplished poet. Hear her recite some of her work from memory. Joined also by Clarissa Geborkoff of "Operation Homefront," which helps servicemen E6 & below with the essentials of life and family. Great 49 minutes!
Col Jim Wheeler, USAF (Ret.) served his country for 30 years in uniform, flying in WW II, Korea, and Viet Nam. Hear his experiences of war. Great, patriotic, radio. 51.46
Virgil Westdale is an American of Japanese descent who served in WWII with the 442nd, The "Neisi." He was a commercial pilot, until the Air Corps yanked his ticket because of his heritage, and made him an infantryman. After the war he became an engineer with 25 patents. Later in life, he went to work for TSA as a screener, and retired last year at 91! 49.23
E-mail sent in by a listener who had it passed to her, about a Canadian who at 12 years old, had a P-51 Mustang stay over night at a small airfield on the way to Expo '67 in Montreal. Dramatic reading with sound effects added. 5.42.
Former F-16 Wild Weasel pilot and author Dan Hampton on his Book, "The Hunter Killers, about the first Wid Weasel SAM killers in Viet Nam. 53.40, great radio.

Stephen Halbrook on his new book, "Gun Control In The Third Reich." Brilliant guy, 14 years of research.
107 min, condensed from 2 hr interview.